Friday, August 12, 2011

My baby just levitated...?

well it could have been a seizure, but I am going with the levitation. When is it ok to alert the public of this amazing feat? If it was a seizure would it be wrong to recreate the "levitation" with a light show?

Have my original Ipod Touch library to my new iphone 4?

Is there a way to transfer my music library/playlist/song counts from my iTouch to my new iPhone 4? Im not talking about dragging everything from the library back to the iphone im talking about transfering all the data/info from my iTouch to the iPhone. When i bought my new iTouch it autoatically copied everything from my older itouch and was perfect. This Phone is a diff story though, it didnt automatically sync my old library and playlist, instead it wants me to RECREATE everything, it wants me to manually transfer songs from my library to my iphone and remake my playlist and restart the listening count. Is there a way to do this? I dont want to have to go through the hassle of remakigng my playlists AGAIN because its to time consuming

What do i do if the boy of my dreams....?

is a senior and just graduated, while i am going into sophomore year. he knows who i am, but he doesnt know me personally. whenever i see him, i know he is the one for me. he is perfect in all ways humanly possible. but he is going to college and i would never have a chance with him anyway... :( help me.

Selena Gomez inspired makeup?

every natural face a pressed powder or a tinted moisturizer peach blush fake eye lashes and a natural eye a brown smokey eye and eyeliner and a natural lip

Is taking a break in theses circumstances a good idea?

To be honest I think he wanted 2 diff relation.its not fair for u to date a man who is allready with someone bcuz I don't think we would leave his wife and specially if he has kids with her!trust me he won't destroy his relation with her for u!u deserve better never get involve with man alleready taken no matter what! I know it must be very hard foe you!if he would really love and care for u n ur feelings he would leave the other woman long ago! Sorry but u should concentrate on ur studies and have a trip on a dating website

How long do you boil sugar and milk to make a syrup?

When I was a kid, my mother used to make something she called a "goo cake". It was just a plain sheet cake with a sticky, sweet top. My mother is gone now, but not long ago I found a set of somewhat vague directions she had about how to make it. You bake a plain cake in a 9x13 inch pan. You poke holes in the cake with a fork. You boil together 1 cup of sugar with 1 cup of milk and pour it over the cake. What it doesn't say is how long you boil the mixture or how thick or thin the syrup is supposed to be; whether the cake is supposed to be cool or still warm when you pour the syrup over it. I would love to try and recreate my mom's recipe if I had better directions. Is anyone familiar with this cake? I remember it being really good with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Yum. Thanks.

Need some help (staying the night at someone's house soon)?

You are stressing out way too much(: just be proper wear a skirt if you want use manners and who cares if you pee at her house and if her brother is a creeper then just ignore it and don't think about and I guess you don't NEED juice or soda just ask for water unless they offer soda or juice and breakfest, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. I'm always really sweet an nice to my friends parents so now I'm their favorite daughters friend. I guess you could asked to leave the table and for dinner if the pizza noodles, I think you should try it and I'd you don't like it ask her parents if you could have a sandwhich or something but just don't worry about it and who cares if the girl is "weird" just be nice(: besides everyone needs a nice friend(: good luck just relax(;

Is Yahoo! Alerts down?

I have not received any messages (SMS or email) from Yahoo! Alerts since last Wednesday. I have checked all the settings, deleted and recreated the alerts, but nothing. SMS comes through without any problems on my phone and I have not had any email problems, so I assume the problem is on Yahoo's end. Suggestions? Thanks.

Chinchilla Fur Farms - is it being done humanly now?

Chinchillas are so cute and innocent and how anyone could kill even one for a COAT is beyond me. I just wanna know if their deaths are being done humanly and painless now, for all of the animals that are being skinned for lousy coats...are they?

What is the best media converting program?

I need a program specificly designed for media converting with a wide variety of compatible format conversions for video and audio. I most commonly use .mpeg- 4,.avi,.wmv,.flv.,.mp4,and .mp3. I also need to compress video bit rates down to lower display resolution. I would prefer to get a trusted store bought program, but a clean download will do just as well. Thanks a lot!

Would you date a girl that weighed 199lbs?

I know your probably looking for answers from guys, but I swing just about any way possible, but I'm still very picky. But I deffinently would. You sound adorable and funny, and ill be damned but since when has size mattered? So yes, ye si would. :)

What are some Good exercises to get ab's?

well if you have fat there you need to jog if your are just skinny you need to do planks or just do simple crunches with weight or leg raises.

Is it impossible to die as a direct result of marijuana?

Now I'm thinking that may be because you humanly are not able to overdose and you stop enjoying it before this can happen, also due to its effects on human psychosis for heavy smokers (also whether this is primarily due to homegrown genetically-engineered skunk* rather than naturally grown marijuana) which will always happen first?

NBA FANS: Maybe Scottie Pippen was right, Maybe Lebron is the greatest offensive player ever?

Maybe no one can recreate Lebron's great passing vision? Maybe no one can get the triple doubles? Maybe no one can play the defense? Maybe no one can make such great "decisions"? Maybe no one is better than Lebron? Maybe I need to stop saying maybe because Lebron James is indeed the greatest offensive player to play!

Why do crying babies disturb me so much?

They make me feel like I've done something horrible and deserve to pour alcohol all over myself and strike a match. Is it some sort of learned behavior, or is it humanly natural?

How to make an orange/yellow translucent liquid?

Dont know if this will work but try it out... Take a bowl of water and add honey to it and mix it thoroughly.... you can adjust the viscosity by regulating the amount of water. To adjust the color pulverize red color stick and mix it with the solution. Hope it will get the results.

Extreme passion,obsession? i can't live without him?

its an obsession in a wrong are not realistic and your thinking are off limits .its out of character if you dnt even realise that he has a gf .you need to build selfesteem .its a condition of something similar to bipolor when you're at a high mood.

R&S:Do you hope or do you pray?

I pray to God and leave everything on him making me free of all anxieties....Praying is like lending our all worries on God while hoping is like taking all worries by ourself.

Nursing Toddler/Visitation Issues?

It depends on what the judge thinks is best. Since you live several hours away from each other, it'll be a little harder to plan a schedule to where, if needed, you could be there quickly. Your daughter might have to stay overnight with him, but the judge might make it to where it starts with her being there for one or two days at a time, then gradually go up. But like I said, it depends on what the judge thinks will work.

How do i stop my subs from "pulsating"?

you have a "ground loop".try moving your amplifier ground.if that does not fix it get a ground loop isolator from a stereo shop.

Veggies to add to Chicken and Shells garlic pasta?

shaved carrot, cucumber, corn,peas, be careful with the broccoli because it can over power a dish. the nice thing about your dish you can really put in just about any veggie you want they just have to work together.

Is it time to recreate a progressive conservative tradition?

Yes it is time to bring it in to the 21st century. There needs to be regulation to control the greed. Look at the result of allowing greed to flourish. It's all around, in every country, and it happens every so often with the boom and bust cycle. The longer it is ignored and allowed to continue, the longer the troubles in every aspect of society will continue. When you allow total freedom, the "strong" will always enslave the "weak", and the terms "strong" and "weak" may be used to simply differentiate people of different social classes.

What are some all female group Broadway musical numbers?

It's all female and it's going to be a fairly large group. For a variety show. :D :D Thanks in advance!

Free kindle books on the web?

I am looking for any free kindle books on the web. Ones I have got links to, are very old and not so interesting. Looking for some variety... Any suggestions please?

How do I humanly get rid of a fox?

A wild fox has been around my home for almost three months. It has kept me up at night calling and I also am worried about my three outside cats. Recently, it has attacked one of my cats, I witnessed this, and I refuse to shoot it or have it put down. And suggestions?

Where is the fountain of youth?

I'm an alchemyst and I must find it foR my majickal potion to create gold and recreate the philosophers stone...

What is a real IQ test actually like?

I'm known as a very smart person, but sometimes I worry. I mean, I'm super lazy, and don't work hard at all, so my grades have always been average. Like everybody, I am paralyzed by self doubt, so, if it were to be that my IQ was average, I would have nothing at all to be proud of. I mean that, I'm not handsome, fit or, social. That and my sister outshines me in every way humanly possible, I'm serious, imagine something and she is better at it. My one thing that is impressive about me is that I'm presumed to be Intelligent however, that may not be I've never actually taken a real IQ test. I did when I was younger, and I did super good, especially in the reason section, but that was more than 10 years ago. Are they similar to online IQ tests? I'm 24 if that matters? and I constantly contemplate suicide...not that I would admit that...I don't have friends...because I'm quiet, and self-hating...I only got a 24 on the SAT...anyway-IQ tests.

Is is illegal to.......(art question)?

Yea, of course its fine to use something that someone else created as inspiration. That's how art works generally; an idea is inspired by something that already existed. There's a difference between that and copying : P

How can i replace or recreate the cocking mechanism on my nerf gun maverick?

Yeah, the pin is the only thing you need. A bobby pin is too weak. Think about using a hack saw to cut off the sharp tips of a knitting needle, or similarly thin object. After you've got some sort of pin thing inserted where it used to be, put soft things on the edges to make safe handles. Like dried playdough, clay, dishrags and ducktape, etc

HTC Evo Mail app will not receive yahoo! mail beta emails?

I have an HTC Evo phone and use yahoo mail as my main email account. I have had the mail app provided on the Evo set up to display my yahoo email using the imap/smtp. It has been working with no problems, until today. I am no longer receiving any new yahoo emails ( I can still send ), but if I log in to my yahoo account via the internet I have new emails. The only thing that has changed is that I updated my yahoo mail to use the new Yahoo! Mail Beta. To run a test, I set up a gmail account and another yahoo account that has not been converted over to the new Beta. They are both working fine and I am able to receive and send email. I have tried deleting the account and recreating and all that did was loose all my old emails also. Still cannot receive new emails. I went to the yahoo! mail beta website and tried the imap and smtp settings specified for an android device, but that did not have any affect. Has anyone else encountered this issue or have any ideas on how to fix.

How can I deal with exhaustion during pregnancy?

I am about to start my last trimester and I am so tired I am literally afraid to drive some days. I do a lot of heavy lifting at my job and my doctor says I should be good until the end just keep going. I take my prenatal vitamins but I also work overnights. I cannot take a job that is less lifting or on a day shift there is just no way around it (I work on an ambulance there is just no way to no do the heavy lifting and my job doesn't offer a desk job to pregnant women). Does anyone have any tricks to making myself less tired I am literally sleeping as much as humanly possible (up to 12 hrs a day).

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I need creative ideas, please?

I have a local place where I can go and sell homemade items every sunday... I need ideas for cool things that I can make at home and sell for decent money at Jimay's!! I'm already making duct tape wallets, flowers, and flip-flops, but I need more of a variety. So if you have any ideas for cool, unique things to make and sell (not duct tape items), I would be very grateful. Thanks:)

Will Indian P.M., NSA Madam Sonia, Home Minister, Food Minister resign on Moral Groundsof Rotten Rice again ?

When they are not given resignation for rotten corruption and rotten governance, they will not give it for rotten rice.

Is this "stalkerish"...?

You weren't being a stalker lol. You know her and you were just trying to get her attention and find out why she is so mad at you. My advice: Forget her. You seem like a good person so don't worry about that friendship. Go on enjoying your life without her. She may come around one day but for now, don't worry about it.

Where can I buy music CDs?????

There are a lot of old & new music CDs that I want to buy. The only problem is that I don't know where to buy them. Most music stores have closed down & the ones that are still open don't have a large variety. I'm not into downloading music from the computer so what can I do? Where can I go?

Does anyone know which country produces the best milk?

I love milk but am told that the milk in China isn't always up to scratch. There are a number of varieties imported from different countries and I am wondering which country is best to buy from?

How to achieve this hairstyle?

side swept fringe with layers going down from your jaw bone, and loose curls (: probs would have to use curlers overnight

Rap&Hip-Hop: Any tips on how to perfect your flow?

My flow is so admirably perfect that the contents of the realm of physics can't handle it. So I need to start from scratch, how do I make myself have a good flow yet one humanly enough for time and space to handle it?

Asking help from anyone who's good at creating sims?

Hey, so i'm terrible at creating sims. And i have a surprised planned for my girlfriend. She loooves the sims, so i'm going to make this romantic video of us two. Anyhow, hard to explain! So if any one's good at recreating people in the sims let me know! And i'll give you a picture of us.

Anyone got a recipe for rabbit linguine with bacon, cream and tarragon?

I ate this at a restaurant and I'd really love to recreate it but I can't find a recipe the same. I can make it up but just wondered if anyone had anything to offer...

Wanting to start a small natural parenting business in a small town?

I am a mother of 2 children, one 3 and one is 1 1/2 and I cloth diaper, made my own babyfood ect. I am a waitress and want to do something more in life. I really would like to start a small store that I would sell varieties of cloth diapers, natural laundy soap IE: Rockin' Green, Amber teething necklaces, Melissa and Doug wooden toys, and just basically anything natural. (my husband would be on board, and I think my friend would be a business partner) Also, I was thinking I would hold discussions to answer any questions about making babyfood to cloth diapering once a week or once every 2 weeks and I would like to put my inventory online to sell to others. Though, I live in a small town, I am weighing out pros and cons I don't know if theres a market here but I would really like to try. Any suggestions?

Can you trigger a Hypnopompic State while awakening?

Well you could do it by entering sleep hallucination paralysis. When you realise that you are in sleep paralysis, then you can think of what it is you want to revisit and then the hallucination part should take over. I find it easy to enter sleep paralysis when i have had only little sleep and then i try to take a nap the next day. Always works for me.

I want to do some hobbyist fish breeding. What kind of fish would be best?

Guppies are so fun! They have 50-100 babies every month! and so do Molly's and Platy's I have all three of these live bearers together and they are perfect

Is it possible to beat the Theater of The Damned In Black Ops on Wii...Solo?

I just gotten the game today, and I pop-ed it in and played Zombie Mode for like 6 hours and the furthest I've ever gotton was to round Eight, and I'm actually trying to beat it, not get to the highest round till I die...I can get to the point where I can open the top right door then that door after that, that leads down those stairs where that machine gun is on the table that can't work unless you gots de power on, and then another door which leads outside....I've never gone Further than that Solo.....which brings my question up.....Is it Humanly possible to be able to beat Theater of the Damned....Solo??????, We have no Wi Fi But hopefully at the end of summer we'll have DSL then we will be able to put up our Wi Fi router then I could play Online Zombie mode....If you say it is possible, I'd like a video link or something please, I wanna learn how to beat the thing >:3, It's my first day playing and I think I'm doin' ok on it....killed 102 in one match lol

I just heard about the Live Action TV Series for Ouran High School Host Club?!!?

I normally never watch Live action remakes for animes cause I can't imagine them being better (and also, it is not humanly possible for the actors to look like the characters in the anime which is disappointing to say the least). But I think I might make an exception for OHSHC. Anyone have any thoughts? Worth watching or not? or just general info on the TV series.

Supernatural way to make a wish come true?

Okay so I know how dumb this sounds so please nobody tell me the supernatural doesn't exist and nobody tell me to pray because I have, so does anyone know a surefire way to supernaturally make a wish come true? This is something I could never humanly achieve so someone please help me out.

Can someone tell me what these catepillars are?

I have a variety of lillies in my garden being eaten by caterpillars. These things only seem to eat lillies but they strip the leaves completely. These caterpillars don't look like caterpillars at all. They look like the poo that comes out of an earthworm. I actually thought they were poo from a slug or something but this morning I took a closer look when I thought I saw one move. Look like a 1/4" long black blob with a Caterpillar head. I sprayed soapy water on them and I think they must be dead as they're in the same spot as this morning. Does anyone know what they are and how to get rid of them?

Is taking a break in theses circumstances a good idea?

i think yes better u take a break and study for ur exams well firt after ur exams u can think about what to do in future but now better is that u take break for few days and study well

Cold weather friendly leggings or tights to wear under shorts?

i'm going on a trip to alaska soon and the weather will be anywhere from mid 40s to low 60s. i loovee cold weather and i'm good at coping with it, so i'm not looking for anything that would make me burn up. i'm just looking for some legging/tights sort of thing i can wear under pairs of shorts to keep me from getting a chill when i'm outside for a while. i have already found a black pair i wanted (cold gear tights from under armour) but i'm wondering if anyone can help me find any similar things with more color varieties. or other suggestions for things i could wear (bottoms) that would do the same, not get me hot but keep me from getting a little cold or even any other clothing items or accessory type things i might need to be most comfortable with the whole environment. thanks in advance!

What do I do about this talent competition?

If youR parents told you not to audition for a talent competition in the past and now they want you to do it would you be nervous? This competition is for a variety of different acts and I'm a singer. My parents told me I'm not what they're looking for. I'm worried that my parents are telling me to go on this competition so that they can prove their point? I don't want to be humiliated in front of everybody.

Have you heard the huge Speculation on CM Punk?

I read his contract isn't actually up until September so that would actually make sense that they are re-creating that storyline and with Cena's various injuries that would give him the break he needs to heal up and then he can win the title back sometime before Mania so he is fresh and the Champ for his match against the Rock.

How to be a better me?

Hi :) I am a 14 year old girl...well I turn 15 in early September. I have a real dilemma....everyday at school it feels like everyone is staring at me because I am overweight! I have never had a boyfriend and I am going into Grade 10 next year! I really want to feel included,noticed, and wanted I am around 195 pounds and Im looking to lose 5 pant sizes by September 1st of this year. I also want to recreate my image...if that hasn't helped already lol! I am 5"6 dirty blonde hair and green eyes. I don't want to change my hair colour or wear contacts because people will know Im a fake. I have moved for the summer with my this gives me a chance to focus on me with no distractions. The one thing that woke me up is this guy that only wanted me for sex and when I told him no he insulted me saying I will never change and I will always be a fat loser! I found a quote online saying "The greatest revenge is doing something others say you cant do, so go out and do it!". This self esteem thing is also effecting my singing because last year at my school's talent show I sang well and I got in but I quit because of family reasons and I tried this year but I was so terrified of being judged by my peers I just left the room crying when my voice start shaking during the song. Someday I want to find the courage to become a famous singer. I know some say this is a hopeless dream but I know I have it in me I just need more confidence in myself! this is why I came to you...I want to lose weight, change my image, update my wardrobe, get better make up, etc. I know it seems I am doing this for others but I am doing it for me. It is effecting my dreams and ambitions because I am insecure. Im sorry I was rambling and thank you to those of you who read until the end but the sort of it is. I need new hair tips, make-up tips,various ways to lose weight without equiptment...and Im ok with not eating much cause I've already started that lol, newer more modern wardrobe because I will be thinner closer to the end of the year, and lastly even ways to flirt with a guy that makes you soooo never and tounge tied u wanna cry! LOL Well I think that covered it all so goodnight to everyone who is reading this and I hope I get some responses soon :) P.S If you could put a pin point on how much weight 5 pants sizes (Canadian sizes btw) would be to lose please let me know! P.P.S You're a beautiful person and thank you in advance for all of your help! <3 Please no rude comments because I've had it up to here with you trolls!

Is there a way to save all my shortcuts on my desktop to an archived file for later retrieval?

i do not understand why your shortcuts have to go while you still retain the actual files and documents. i suggest you clone your entire hard hard disk or create a backup in an external hard drive. you can always revert to them once the IT guys are gone. but if you simply need the shortcuts as they are, create a folder on the desktop then copy and paste all the shortcuts into it. get an archiving software like winzip or winrar. if you have one, right click on the folder and select the appropriate option. a zipped folder will be added to the desktop. transfef the zipped folder to a memory device.

Is this a good reason to put down my dog..?

you do not put the dog down because your family was not successful in training ... i work as a dog sitter and i listen to the owners go on and on about their dogs separation anxiety and as soon as the owners are gone, it is a different dog ... in six years i have come across exactly ONE dog with true separation anxiety yet at least 50% if not more owners think their dog has separation anxiety ... a neighbour in my building just had her dog put down because she could not "train the anxiety out of it" ... and guess what, that neighbour is neurotic just like her dog was ... and when i would care for the dog it was a completely different dog ... it listened, it did not try to attack other dogs with me holding the leash ... i find your question is chock full of excuses and clearly typed by someone whose skills do not include dog training ... you do not put that dog to sleep, you give it to someone with a clue about dog training ... i always find it suspect when people list everything they tried and then say it does not work when it works for everyone else ... a dog is a direct reflection of its owners ... re-home the poor thing ... and accept some responsibility for what you have created !!!

If all of life(animals,plants) were to suddenly disapear on earth...?

i would have to agree with Average Joe. life on earth as we know it is a result of a series of chance encounters and evolutionary process. if we were to start again from a simple chemical "soup", all of the factors that were present before would have to be present again... since those factors were all contributed by chance it is unlikely that the same environmental factors will be present. another point to consider is the evolutionary process which relies on environmental factors... if the environmental factors are not the same second time round, it would lead to a completely different evolutionary pathway. who knows what forms of life would be!!!???

I'm on the verge of leaving him - but I have one last resort...?

If you're really not ready to give up, then I suppose it's worth a shot. But the trouble with "meaningful moments" is that you can't schedule them or reduce them to data; most of the time, they're meaningful because they're unexpected, unprompted, and unforced gestures of affection. You can say you want them and try to model them, but after a while if a guy just doesn't get it, you need to accept that he's not the right partner for you if that's what you need and move on.

Long distance college relationship?

Both my boyfriend and I are starting college this coming fall. However, we're going to be living hours away from each other. We are very much in love with each other. We absolutely need each other to survive. Literally. We know that it's going to be difficult, but we'll see each other as much as humanly possible. Do you think we have good chances to last in our relationship?

How To Improve The Speed Of Your PC?

The performance and speed of my personal computer (PC) can sometimes slow down due to a variety of issues or problems. This can affect everything from downloading or uploading files to the visual display of graphics on movies and games.

Significance of varieties prasadams in Vaishnavite Temple throughout India?

I would much appreciate if some one who can elaborate me the significance behind serving prasadams in temples and in particular Vaishnavite Temples. If one go to say, half a dozen Vaishnavite Temples, he/she will get different prasadams from each of those temples. Say for example in Tirupathi one will get LADDU but Sri Rangam Temple one will not get LADDU but a rice made of tamarind & spice. Who proposes these menus[Prasadam] and why? I don't want stupid answers since the question is of a religious one.

My girlfriend likes to recreate family guy sketches in the bedroom...Help?

I love the kinky side of her personality but how do I handle an anime fetish? She wants me to be Quagmire and she's Lois

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Windows Media Player for Windows 7?

I am having an issue with Windows Media Player for Windows 7. When I delete an album folder from the My Music folder it remains within the Windows Media Player directory. Then when I attempt to delete the album from the Windows Media Player directory it will not delete; and then Windows Media Player recreates the album folder in the My Music folder and will not allow me to delete the re-created folder within the My Music folder claiming I need Administrator Access and I have Administrator Access. Does anyone know what is going on here?

How to help my best friend....?

If ur friend is under 16 i would call dhs if she really is too the point were she cant stand it. If shes over 16 she could just move out. This situation is often when the parent smokes or drinks so tell them to stay away from her in her room when she does that. I hope this helps ur situation

A lump snaking out of lower left ribs?

I am a 25/f. In decent health, par a few things. For over a year I have had near daily chest pain, nothing major most of the time, but sometimes it takes my breath away, always on the left side. I don't suspect it is cardiac related because of normal EKG's and blood work, also paired with the fact that most of the time I can recreate the pain by pressing on my chest. About 8 months ago, I started getting an uncomfortable feeling under my left ribs, it never really goes away and is frankly annoying. A few months ago I noticed a lump snaking out of the last two ribs on the left side. It is not painful, feels kind of like a tube and sits in between and on the lower ribs. I have seen numerous drs, been to the ER more times than I can count. Sometimes the pain in my chest scares me into a panic attack. Now it seems everytime I am in extreme pain they rule it as a panic attack, but I know there is something else going on. I am tired all the time, I started having dizzy moments and moments of confusion. I had a head CT after a severe headache with neck pain and that was normal as well. My husband is starting to think that this is all in my head, and it is scaring the **** out of me. I have an 8 year old son and I am scared that I am not going to be around. The last CT I had done on my abdomen showed nothing of any consequence other than an enlarged bile duct from my galbladder. As I am writing this, I just got a sudden twinge in my head that feels like it is being put into a vice right at my temples. Its like I can feel it pulsating. I take anxiety meds every now and then when I need to, and try to remain calm most of the time, but these ailments are bothering me.

I can't find my icons, but they're there?!?

My computer caught a virus, which I was able to remove by using safe mode and Malwarebytes, but now I can't find any of my desktop icons. At first, I assumed the virus had just removed them, as it had removed my desktop background and wiped my start menu, but when I tried to recreate some of my folders, it said that that folder already exists. I tried to download Minecraft, and put it on the desktop, and it said that was already there too. The thing is, I don't see these icons, my desktop is barren! Please help if you can, I'm confused, and I'd rather not have to rebuild my desktop from scratch if I don't have to!

How to travel at light speed (for fictional story)?

Dear Yahoo! Answerers, I am writing a short story about a boy who travels at light speed, but after some searching, I'm not sure how to make this happen. I understand that it is HUMANLY impossible to travel at light speed, and that theoretically we can come close, but for the sake of my FICTIONAL story, I need to know how to achieve this in the most plausible/logical fashion. Thanks!

What would be a good starter street bike for me?

do not mix your ambition with your ability,that's the fastest way to the cemetery a big heavy 1000cc bike can turn in to a monster in the wet a completely different bike when braking putting power down buy a shadow 600 or simelar do not be a horse power snob learn the basics upgrade with you skill level you might end up in a wheel chair i am sure thats not the 2 wheels you have in mind good luck hope all goes well for you ride safe be lucky

Where can I find OpenType Chinese Simplified Fonts?

Especially modern "sans-serif" style Chinese Simplified fonts. I need a variety of weights. Bold, extra bold, light, etc. I've found plenty of font foundries who sell Chinese traditional (out of Hong Kong and TW), but I need simplified. I know there must be thousands out there.

How can a guy simulate having a period?

I dont want to sound insensitive to those that have periods and have issues associated with them, but because I am transgender I have a lot of period envy and want to simulate physically/emotionally/mentally having a period and everything that entails. Please be as detailed as humanly possible and if you could create like a list or step-by-step instructions I would be HIGHLY appreciative. And once again, this isnt meant to be offensive. Thanx!

Animal cruelty law in America?

welll killing anything humanly mean its pain less and it dosent feel any thing and if an animals sick beond repair they `put it down` so in my opion 3&4 are the answers to me

Am I Crazy For Wanting My Ex Back or Should i Move On?

Well I kinda have samething goin on your time is to valuble to be stuck on a chick its more of those good females out in the worl youll find your true love when its time your kinda still in bacherlor mode. Commitment it is a big make sure your ready for that step that feeling isnt aways the best. Always make sure your moving the right pace and your good. And dont back track it'll hurt for a while if its true youll know.

Will God let us have craft beers when we get to Heaven?

I like a little variety...Hell would be like one of those redneck bars where you only have a choice of Miller and Budweiser

What is something good for a closet crossdresser to wear?

Please give me a good outfit idea (including undergarments) that i could wear. Please be as specific as humanly possible (stores, brands, color, sizing) I am 6'2" 180 lbs and have no idea my sizings. All help appreciated. Thanks!

How would I do these curly hair styles?

curling iron for about 20 seconds depending on how hot urs gets small bits of hair at a time then spray hairspray on - a lot but not so ur hair gets a gross texture. DO NOT damage hair do not leave iron on for too long use moisturizing shampoo

Who is hurt most when government puts restrictions on banks?

Name one thing the government has ever done that works the way they say it will work? Anything they do hurts the average citizen. The far left and the far right are playing both ends against the middle which allows the rich to get richer, the poor to stay poor and the pockets of the middle class pays for the whole show.

My wife says Jesus can deliver me from alcoholism; how can I stay as far away from Jesus as humanly possible?

I almost went inside a church once but got into a fight with a horse in the parking lot, and it WASN'T because I was drunk, which I most assuredly was, but because of that horse's snotty attitude. No way I'm going to take that! Ever since the cops hauled me away, shirtless and cussing and still trying to get in a few last kicks at that mare, my wife has been harping on me about this Jesus thing.

Could i interest any of you in helping me recreate the last supper?

I am constructing a gift of the last supper in portrait form. Also, any ideas for a medium? I thought perhaps oil pastels.

Musicians: anyone ever hear heavenly music?

Yes!! but then i realized some one had mad it one day. i heard it on the radio it was "Thunder kiss 65" It was like a heard the future!!

Funny but sweet thins to write in a yearbook?

Im graduating to high skool nd might not c any of my old friends tht ive known for 5 years again so uiwanna write something sweet but some also funny can anyone please give me a variety of answers plzzz !!?? thx :)

In an Islamic caliphate, would the practice of any other religion be permitted or tolerated?

Al Qaeda and the Taliban's supposed goal is to recreate an Islamic empire or "caliphate" throughout as much as the world as is possible. Would the practice of any other religion in such a caliphate be permitted or tolerated?

During the last level of Dishwasher: Vampire Smile, how do you get into the secret room?

During the last level, when they recreate foghorn cafe from the first game, the very first room has 2 ways, 1 way you can't get into. In the first game ska put their logo there as an easter egg. As i played it with my friend it even prompted us with the arrows to go through the doorway. How do/Can you get in there for yet another easter egg/prize/bead

What is Tunisian Sandalwood?

I understand the differences in East and West Indian Sandalwood but I don't understand the different varieties when one is looking at essential oils, for example: Arabian Sandalwood, Egyptian Sandalwood, Tunisian Sandalwood. Is it some combination of other scents used with the sandalwood? And if so, why do they call it "Tunisian"?

Is it humanly possible to gain 13lbs in a week by just eating a "regular" diet?

I already know that 3500 calories equals 1lb. I've not eaten 45500 calories, which would be 13lbs times 3500. Perhaps there is some medical reason.

How to help my best friend....?

Hmm well I would tell her to confront her mother about this if she flips sh** again I would reccomend that she lives with a friend but about the bed time thing it all depends on how old she is I guess.

Ideas for a computer science final project?

I have to program a game (in Java) for my Computer Science final project. Does anyone have any ideas for games I can recreate or concepts for a new game?

How can a crossdresser have a period?

I want to know how a crossdressing/transgender male could simulate having a period without having a uterus or using hormones. I dont want to sound insensitive to those that have periods and have issues associated with them, but because I am transgender I have a lot of period envy and want to simulate physically/emotionally/mentally having a period and everything that entails(tampons,pads?). Please be as detailed as humanly possible and if you could create like a list or step-by-step instructions I would be HIGHLY appreciative. And once again, this isnt meant to be offensive so dont view it as such. Thanx!

Do You Believe People Are Born Gay?

and is it wrong? Personally i think it is because there are two kinds of people, man and women. and by them having intercourse is the only way to recreate. male&male can not recreate and neither can female&female. it only seems obvious. i have no prejudice to gays by the way

Where can i buy a top like this?

i think i saw that exact same top in Next a few weeks ago...i'm not entirely sure though, i think the pattern might have been slightly different...hope i helped!

Don't know what to do...?

I am confused as hell about my life and haven't a clue as to where to go from here. I turned 19 (I know "shouldn't be posted here" this is for younger kids) in May and still live at home (I'm attending a junior college now, and will live here until I graduate) but I just feel so... lost. Completely lost. I haven't made a friend at my junior college, and haven't found a single person I "click" with. My father acts as if he hates me 24/7, and the only positive outlook the stayed constant in my life.. my grandfather, bless him died six months ago. And my grandmother Alzheimer's is rapidly getting worse. My grandparents and my mother were basically my entire world. Every week my mother and I would see my grandparents and have lunch with them, go shop at a couple of stores and they'd tell me how proud of me that they were. And now with my grandma basically gone, and my grandpa deceased I feel like everything is so monotonous and life is pointless. You bust your *** so in the end.. so you can die. My grandpa pushed my mom to excel in everything and I without him we're beside ourselves. I haven't had a friend in like 10 years, and have never had a boyfriend because my dad f'd me up psychologically (he's a mean drunk) and I don't know what I have to do in order to make friends let alone a b/f. I be as nice as humanly possible, but apparently my efforts are futile. I must've tried to be friends with 30 people at least. Please don't think I'm going to kill myself, I'm not. But I don't want to be so alone. Can anyone give me some advice on what I should do?

Help with makeup please?

Okall I can tell you that you use tape. When you stick the tape at a certain angel on the sides of your eye and apply liquid eye liner, it gives it a sharp clean cut if you know what I mean. Then I'm pretty sure she used false eyelashes. Hope this helps. Btw, the tape thing also works with regular cream eyeliner, not the stick. In the pic you gave us, she used liquid.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Do Cavalry Scouts Learn The Widest Variety Of Conventional Combat Arms Skills? AKA Do they learn multiple jobs?

do they learn to fight like 11bs launch mortars like 11cs blow stuff up like 21bs, ride in tanks like 19ks, and use radios 13fs etc, etc?

Is this considered being "a stalker"...?

You're not a stalker. You're just a good friend who's being hurt for no obvious reason. It looks like you've done your level best to sort this out and it hasn't worked. Why don't you phone or visit her house when she's not home and talk to her mom? Explain how concerned and upset you are because you don't know what you're supposed to have done wrong and your friend won't tell you. Tell her you're afraid of losing her friendship. I reckon you'll get it all sorted out if you try this way.


You should buy a history book about evolution and you'd find out that it was worse millenniums ago. All you are seeing is nature at work!

I need a hairdresser's help PLEASE!?

Hey! so i've been browsing haircolors and i noticed Ariana Grande's hair is veryyy pretty! If I bring a picture of Ariana Grande's hair can the person doing my hair recreate the color even though i have already colored hair with roots showing ? and how would I maintain it to keep the color lasting longer. Like what products do you suggest i use? Please try to answer all my questions, thank you! <3333

First Boyfriend advice??? please help.?

Me and my boyfriend have been going out for a little over a year and he treats me wonderfuly and says im the one he wants to be with for awhile and does everything humanly possible to make me happy. He is my real first boyfriend and I am 17 and he is 20. Recently ive felt bored with him and not really sure if hes the one for me although I still love him to death. He is quite clingy and i have tried to tell him in the past that we need to take some time away from each other for awhile but he always guilt trips me back. im not really sure if i should leave him or not and if i do not really sure how to break up with him nicely please help

Ideas for How to Decorate a Teen Girl's Room?

agreed with Sarah Cabbot about PBTEEN. loveee their stuff but, if they do have a problem with price, the have a similar bed at ikea. but your ideas are great (:

All my vegetable plants' leaves seem to be steadily shrinking down to nothing. Whats going on?

I have several vegetable plants that I have in my garden. I have bean plants, okra, lemon gourd, bitter lemon and even papaya. All these plants we have grown well every year with great success. I live in Texas. They have all prospered despite the heat and I water them very well twice a day. I've seen leaves bigger than sombreros in the past. Now, for the first time it seems that these plants are shrinking. Their first leaves are all very large and healthy, but now it seems the leaves on the vines are shrinking gradually until the vine has no leaves at all. I have created a very strong structure with several strings that line it for support. The vines have plenty of support, plenty of sunlight, plenty of water, and I personally till the soil before I plant with various fertilizer and keep them well fertilized throughout their life spans. I am 69 years old and have grown plants since I was 8 in both India and America. I've never seen this problem before. We had some hail about 3 weeks ago but the leaves that could have been affected by it have already grown and are perfectly normal. Also, with the variety of my plants, I don't think it is a form of bug, but I am not discounting anything. Please respond. It hurts me to see my plants dying off like this. Some of my bitter lemons grew 2 feet long. I haven't even seen them that big in India. Now they stop growing at 4 inches. Please help.

Summer 2011 "Bucket List"?

I was doing the exact same thing and got stuck, too! Hahaha. You can check out my blog, it's got my list and everything. I haven't officially started yet, but the list is done and there are some pretty cool ideas on it if you want to check it out. :) a href="" rel="nofollow"

How should I talk to my fiance about his eating disorder? I'm so scared for him?!?

For now, tell him constantly how good he looks. Or that you love his body. Just love him a lot. Kiss him. Hug him. Continue to talk with his sister and if after a week or two he is still stressing over body image, then bring up the topic with him. Try casually first, saying something like, "You haven't been eating as much," or, "You're working out a lot lately." Talk to him about it without stressing him out and then try to get help if you and his sister honestly think he needs it.

Is there a way to recover a deleted Xbox 360 profile?

There's no way of getting a profile that is connected to live back after it was deleted, sorry. But you can create a profile with the same name and say that it all disappeared.

Are my hermit crabs about to molt?

i would have to question your substrate ... the absolute worst to use is calci-sand ... it will start to stink and mold and is one of the worst substrates and not suggested for hermit crabs ... tropical soil sounds questionable too ... the substrates suggested are eco earth (coconut fibre) and/or play sand ... when you first get hermit crabs home they can need to destress (or change tanks) ... in which they will bury themselves but come up daily for food, water ... if they bury and remain buried then they are probably molting ... but do know that a hermit crab can take several weeks to molt and longer for crabs bigger than yours ... so i am sure you would notice a crab missing for a month :O) the crabs i have (purple pinchers) have all molted while buried and ate their exoskeleton while buried ... and i have had several crabs molt at the same time (i hate that :O) ... and you should have two pools of water, fresh and marine ... all hermit crabs require access to both types of water and made with fish supplies not hermit crab supplies ... when they molt sometimes for a few days before they bury they will eat a lot, drink a lot and become less active ... and if your guy is molting be sure there is a form of calcium for him to ingest when he comes up ... helps harden their exoskeleton ...

WTF is the deal with Yu-gi-oh!?

Children's card games is some serious $!#% man. Haha not really though I don't know what the big hype about it is or why people like it!

Lethargic hermit crab?

He is probably sick if not just being lazy, can't go to the vet with it. But if you lose him sorry and might wanna try hermit sponge for them to drink with sorry and hope it works

Dealing with deep regret for only starting Harry Potter last month?

Why do you care, enjoy what your childhood memories and seriously it's a book. The HP craze was very annoying you got past that. These books are read for the means of entertaining yourself.

How effective are international alliances from the U.S., perspective?

I'm looking for a few things while studying for exams. BE AS THOROUGHLY DETAILED AS YOU CAN HUMANLY BE

Will any and all corn work for popping, or do you need a special variety? if so what is it called?

you can take corn off of the cob, dry it and it will pop like any other popcorn you buy at the store. but please don't pop raw fresh corn kernels. it leaves your microwave a mess :P

West Ham turning into Bolton...?

Bolton did West Ham in 1923 Cup Final. Even then West Ham weren't that physical and need a hard man in the management team (Steve Clarke was getting them going when Gold & Sullivan messed things up and got rid of Zola) to instill that the lack of guts shown so often last season is not acceptable. Anyone who remembers Lou Macari's long ball game has bad memories. Sam's going to need a good tactical coach to keep on the right side of the fans.

How to have a period?

I want to know how a crossdressing/transgender male could simulate having a period. I dont want to sound insensitive to those that have periods and have issues associated with them, but because I am transgender I have a lot of period envy and want to simulate physically/emotionally/mentally having a period and everything that entails(tampons,pads?). Please be as detailed as humanly possible and if you could create like a list or step-by-step instructions I would be HIGHLY appreciative. And once again, this isnt meant to be offensive so dont view it as such. Thanx!


Obesity is becoming an epidemic among young children in Canada. Numerous children are victims of variety of health problems inflicted by the insufficiency of good nutrition and physical activity. Recently children have been exposed to fatty and sugary types of food and unfortunately they take part in these types of diets because their parents present them with these unhealthy choices. Not only do they have an inadequate nutritious diet, they also are lacking physical activity in their lives and their parents are one of the biggest influences. It seems that families who live more difficult lives or who have a member that is obese tend to be a common target for child obesity. Childhood obesity has become a huge problem due to poor dietary choices and nutrition, lack of physical activity, and also parental influences. How could parents stop this from getting worse? This essay will include the following causes of obesity: lack of physical activity, poor nutrition and also parental influences.

What do you like to do on holiday? Sit by the pool? Explore the area? Do new sports? Have a romance?

if i go to asia its usually exporing the countryside, visiting sites like volcanos, underground rivers, mountians, eco parks, usually doing some kind of volunteer work , romance and meeting the northern europe i like city breaks and river cruises with some romance as well.

How can i recreate this hair updo?

Very pretty and gurlie look(: ..If you want the makeup done the way the picture is you can get brown eyeliner, browshaper (to give your eyebrows a more define look), some light glitter to put on eyelids if you want a more gurlie look, and Mary Kay offers some cool colors of pinks for lipstick and it also has SPF in it ...hmm curl and tease your hair to make it have a curly poof look but not overly frizzy If you own a tapered curling iron that is helpful for making curls look good and be from the scalp down and not just the mid section of the strands of hair... after creating that curled look gather some bobby pins, hair band, and a headband if that is the style you are going for and place your hair in ponytail and tease it so that it gains body take the bobby pins and pin up hair to make it stay up easier place the headband slightly above the ponytail and use extra hold hairspray to keep it all in place

What is the difference between gut stasis and bloat in rabbits?

Bloat is an excess accumulation of gas in the digestive tract, which causes pain. Gut (Gastrointestinal) stasis just means food is not moving through the digestive tract as quickly as it should (or sometimes at all). Some rabbits with GI stasis develop bloat, but not all. I have never encountered bloat in a rabbit that did not also have GI stasis. Treatment for GI stasis (and associated bloat) varies widely depending on cause. Both issues are SYMPTOMS and not conditions. Here's a good article about GI stasis, possible causes, and treatment: a href="" rel="nofollow" There's a reference to bloat in the section on simethicone, although it's not referred to as bloat, it does discuss relief of gas pain, and the dissipation of frothy gas bubbles in the GI tract.

How to reinvent my self?

Hi :) I am a 14 year old girl...well I turn 15 in early September. I have a real dilemma....everyday at school it feels like everyone is staring at me because I am overweight! I have never had a boyfriend and I am going into Grade 10 next year! I really want to feel included,noticed, and wanted I am around 195 pounds and Im looking to lose 5 pant sizes by September 1st of this year. I also want to recreate my image...if that hasn't helped already lol! I am 5"6 dirty blonde hair and green eyes. I don't want to change my hair colour or wear contacts because people will know Im a fake. I have moved for the summer with my this gives me a chance to focus on me with no distractions. The one thing that woke me up is this guy that only wanted me for sex and when I told him no he insulted me saying I will never change and I will always be a fat loser! I found a quote online saying "The greatest revenge is doing something others say you cant do, so go out and do it!". This self esteem thing is also effecting my singing because last year at my school's talent show I sang well and I got in but I quit because of family reasons and I tried this year but I was so terrified of being judged by my peers I just left the room crying when my voice start shaking during the song. Someday I want to find the courage to become a famous singer. I know some say this is a hopeless dream but I know I have it in me I just need more confidence in myself! this is why I came to you...I want to lose weight, change my image, update my wardrobe, get better make up, etc. I know it seems I am doing this for others but I am doing it for me. It is effecting my dreams and ambitions because I am insecure. Im sorry I was rambling and thank you to those of you who read until the end but the sort of it is. I need new hair tips, make-up tips,various ways to lose weight without equiptment...and Im ok with not eating much cause I've already started that lol, newer more modern wardrobe because I will be thinner closer to the end of the year, and lastly even ways to flirt with a guy that makes you soooo never and tounge tied u wanna cry! LOL Well I think that covered it all so goodnight to everyone who is reading this and I hope I get some responses soon :) P.S If you could put a pin point on how much weight 5 pants sizes (Canadian sizes btw) would be to lose please let me know! P.P.S You're a beautiful person and thank you in advance for all of your help! <3 Please no rude comments because I've had it up to here with you trolls!

Why do boxers make a swoosh sound when they punch?

I hear this question a lot and the answer is always "It's when the boxer exhales through his mouthpiece and it makes a sound" but I do not exhale at all and it's just the sound of air when I punch and it makes a "swish" like sound. Why does nobody believe me when I say this, everyone thinks it is just fake sound effects from hollywood karate movies and videogames? Does anyone know what I'm talking about because I can't think of anyone that can do this and it is very easy and humanly possible?

What Breed Of bird would be ideal?

I am looking for a smart, and fun breed of bird, one that will sing and talk, Not to nippy though. I was looking on and found the Conure breeds of birds, However i am interested in more variety of birds, like the umbrella cockatoo and parrots. Witch breed of brid would you suggest and why? Also what spices of that bird? Please remember, i am looking for A FUN & Talkative breed, that is smart and easy to train

How can P.M. of India can sanction 450 crores to Afghan Govt., when Bhopal People needs more Funds rather than?

Govt. Policy like that, what you are telling is coorrect the opposition party by now might have asked questions. So there is a reason in paying amount to afganistan.

If everything was created by matter spontaneously forming everything?

Then why hasn't it ever happened again? Why does everything else need something (creator, energy, etc) to be created? Was it a one time unexplainable phenomenon? Why can't our brightest scientist and physicists recreate this action?

Can you suggest some contemporary musical theater songs for soprano?

this song may not be contemporary but it is very beautiful and would probably help......... Auf Dem Wasser Du Singen by Franz Shubert. :)

I can't find a job, any advice?

It's gotten to the point where it's become rather ridiculous, I've applied everywhere humanly possible where I live, and nobody wishes to hire me for the same reason, which is due to the fact I attend college. I've had a few interviews, and they really love me up to the point where I say "I am currently attending college" and then they abandon the entire idea of hiring me. I'm currently 19, and I just want to work while I go to college too, but I have yet to understand why it's such a bad thing I attend college. I know establishments could find people who can devote their entire schedule seven days a week, but I'm pretty much available every day of the week, just not afternoons. Is there any advice? I really do want want to work, I'm just having a really hard time and I feel a bit discouraged.

Film class project ideas?

In my Film class we have a final project, he told us to come up with our own project ideas form anything to recreating a scene fro a movie to a power point on our favorite director or actor. I wanted to recreate a scene from ferris bueller but I dont have anyone to do it with me im a you have any ideas for project?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Is it ok to recreate another artists painting?

You can copy it for your own use, but you must not sign your name to it. On the reverse of your painting you could write, "after ...and show the name of the artist (if you know it) and the title. If I've copied something for my own use I will put my initials inconspicuously in the lower- right corner. June

Any good free single player RPG games?

Brain you are stupid if u think there are no single player rpg's. Oblivion, Fallout, Torchlight, Diablo 2, Minecraft kinda i mean u can rp a miner :). Rpg kinda a broad topic alot of gaes can be called rpgs. Diablo 3 should be out with the year or next if that helps.

What are two animals that have names of three letters each.?

Put these names side by side and read them backward, and you'll get a common six-letter word. Hint: The two animal names are general names--not the ones for a particular gender or variety.

Is the devil truly evil or just misdunderstood?

I honestly think that nothing in life should be feared, only understood. The difference between good and evil is significant to the person viewing it, its all personal perspective and opinion. From the history and info that I've read on the fall of the devil from Paradise, the war in heaven and so on, Satan/Lucifer didn't really seem that deserving of his punishment, he seemed to act upon very humanly emotions that we've all felt. Maybe he didn't see eye to eye with gods rule, maybe he felt he could run things a little better, maybe he saw God as a strict tyrant rather than a true leader? Lucifer fell for his pride, but God made his beauty immense and gave him the power of free will, while other angels are bound by divine will...gods plans. God must have known Lucifer would lead astray and rebell against him, if he wanted to prevent it then why did he make Lucifer so beautiful, which lead to his pride? If God didn't want this then why did he give Lucifer such immense power mixed with free will knowing it would lead to Lucifer standing up to God and challenging and questioning him? Lucifer loved God, and when God created 'Man' and asked all angels to bow to his creation Lucifer didn't want to because he was loyal and obediant to God and loved him only. Lucifer saw the flaw in man that God did not at first, he saw that one day we'd all turn on each other, kill, destroy, wage war, rape, etc....Lucifer didn't want to bow to such unworthy and pitiful subjects. God then cast Lucifer down to earth and then tempted Adam and Eve with fruit from the tree of knowledge, but why is that seen as bad? He wished to inform Adam and Eve with the knowledge of good and evil, to teach us the forbidden Prometheus stealing fire (knowledge) from the gods to give to man. Lucifer just wanted fairness and equality....he felt heartache and betrayal, he wanted to be loved as much as God loved us, for the angelic hosts were no longer the superior beings and focus of gods love.

Female body measurements, whats perfect?

There is no such thing as a perfect body measurement. Humans have a wide range into which 'normal' fits. As long as you are physically healthy then all is well.

How to make a certain video game on Game Maker 7.?

Anyone remember the old time Super Nintendo game "Super Mario RPG- Legend of the Seven Stars"? Well, I was wondering if anyone knows if there are any online pdf's or books that I could read up on to learn the codes that were used to make the game. I would like to recreate one on Game Maker 7 with my own story plot (or a similar game) for my own entertainment. Any help will be great, thanks!

Is my CPU overheating?

82 degrees Celsius is almost at the temperature of boiling water. You have by now completely fried internal components in your laptop. Soddered micro chips have come undone and your computer is probably quite trashed on the inside. Your internal fans are not working probably, and you probably wont beable to trade it in.

Am I Crazy For Wanting My Ex Back or Should i Move On?

you don't even know what your question was, and your wording doesn't make sense, just get laid, you'll get over it. like Chris brown did.

How to import into C++ Opengl TGA or BMP please help.?

people, its already 4th day im searching for tutorial or anything what may teach me how to load TGA or BMP file in Opengl C++ ; there are 1000people all writing their own version, some of them are 100 miles long . some short but may not be understood. i dont want sdl librory or anything i just need pure c++ code of how to access binary and place it where needed.iv tryed several books they dont explaing anything. can anyone tell me where can i find normal, lovely, humanly explained TGA or BMP reading and importing process?

How Do I Make A New iTunes Account?

I had an iTunes account on a laptop and my dad threw th laptop away, i had my iTunes on it nd everything, i was wondering if i could recreate that itunes just by syncing my iPod into my new computer, or is their any way to get my itunes back without losing anything?

WoW profession double-timing question...?

Ok so one of my characters in WoW is over 300 in skinning and so I have a huge variety of leathers that I can't do anything with (besides selling of course), because being dumb like me, I chose herbalism to go along with it instead of leather-working. Most things that leather-workers make say they "bind when equipped". So I was wondering if it's possible to send all my leathers to a newly-created character who would have leather-working as their profession, and then make something (let's say a bag) and and send it back to my main character? Without equipping it of course... Or do things you hand-make automatically equip?

Is it possible to get use to the feeling of hunger?

I am not going to starve myself of anything. I just wanted to know if it is humanly possible to get use to feeling hungry so you don't have to eat anymore?

Is prenatal vitamins safe for teens (i'm 14) and up if you are not pregnant, and if so, which ones are best?

Need to grow my hair about 5 inches in the next 2 and a half months. (i know i'm going to get answers saying that's humanly impossible, but I'm not losing hope) Well, I have heard gr8 things about prenatal vitamins and I was wondering does anyone know any good brands that give solid results?

What is the christmas movie where the guy covers a tree in icicles for a girl?

i can never remember what the movie is called, who was in it, or what the plot was. i just know this scene. The girl he is trying to win over tells him about this tree when she was little that was covered in icicles and how it was her favorite memory and he recreates it for her.

Can I make a salad dressing without lemon or vinegar?

DO NOT us the malt lol it is to strong of a flavor and super salty. Use the EVO ( extra virgin olive oil) and season to taste try a few different things see what you end up liking the beauty of cooking and it is totally customize able to your likes and favorites. So have fun with it and just cause you don't get it right the first time doesn't mean give up, start over try something else.

What diseases do field/house mice carry in the UK ? Plz answer quick xxxxxxthnx?

I want to catch the mouse in our house humanly but will I or my dog/cat/hamster get diseased from it? X

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I see trawlermen using a particular type of knot to keep the cod end closed?

I've seen it in description as the cod end knot or trawler net knot, but I can't find video of this knot, I work better with visual descriptions of people doing knots then just trying to recreate them from drawings, any help?

I think i might be like gay?? im a girl idk.. i sex with my bestfriend. We're both 15.?

I mean i've slept with plenty of guys, but i have never thought about girls like this before. But what had happened was i got drunk with my bestfriend and she asked me to make out with her. I told her no a couple times i mean i just didnt wanna do that, but then i just finally gave in and did it. and it was like great i guess. After i couldnt stop thinking about it and i just wanted to kiss her again, maybe more. And everytime i'd come over we'd go somewere and get drunk she'd kiss me but real quick nothing to big. Then she started doing it when we were sober and said it was like friendly. We started kinda flirty i guess like "i wanna **** you so bad" or "**** you" "when?" "right now" "later" but like play-fuly in front of our bf's for fun, then when we'd get drunk we'd say it but playin. But then i said it once and she said "you forreal"? and took of her shirt and i was like "naw i was kiddin." "She was like thats what i thot". Then one morning a couple weeks after we had like a bottle a Brandy we got from a friend that night and her parents wouldnt be there for most of the day so we decided to drink it. So we drank the whole thing and we went up stairs. She was like laying on her bed and she asked me if i'd ever do anything like to a girl? i was like "***** idontknow". so she took of her short and panties and she asked me to eat her out and i just did it. Then i started making out with her on top of her and went on from there.. we did like everything humanly possible. smh. So it was like awkward as hell after words so ended up just leaving. But after ahwhile i started to like look a girls that, like look them up and down and stuff. I didnt really get what was goin on at first then i was ahh shitt. And i started crushing on one of my friends, which was creepin me out. Then i went to some party kinda thing at my homeboys house and as usual there were girls makin out and ****. i usually didnt care but ii couldnt stop watching like damn and it just like turned me on so i went and slept with some ***** cuz i felt like i needed to get my mind off it, like i shouldnt be thinkin that way that i was. My family is very religious, they think its a sin to feel like that or even be like that, if i am i wouldnt tell them cuz i dont feel like dealing with there crap about it. i aint very religious like them i get God and all i just do stupid things. i could see my self with another girl relationship wise or just straight up sexual you no either way. I mean i think they fine! well some lol but i can see myself with guys to soo does that still make me gay? or what? sorry the things pretty long;

Fast Five/physics question?

I know this is just Hollywood and basically everything that happens in this movie is unbelieveable, yet really entertaining. Why let the truth get in the way of a good story right? Anyway, I wonder about one scene in particular and if it is even humanly possible. After Vin Diesel pulls a car along side of Paul Walker and a train and saves him from certain death, they drive the car off a cliff that had to be several hundred feet high towards a lake or river. The car is a convertible so they climb on top and a little bit before impact they jump off the car and land in the water, feet first. Not taking into account the depth of the water, would it be possible for them to survive by doing this? Wouldn't they have had to jump up at the same speed that the car was falling down? Or since they were impacting water and not solid ground maybe they don't have to jump off at the same speed? This stunt just intrigued me. Good movie though if you just wanna see some almost non-stop action.

Is there a uk site that sells varieties of venus fly trap plants?

the varieties i'm interested in are dionaea justina davis,akai;ryu,big mouth,jaws,and green dragon.the only sites i can find are american,there must be british shop,please help.

First Boyfriend advice??? please help.?

Me and my boyfriend have been going out for a little over a year and he treats me wonderfuly and says im the one he wants to be with for awhile and does everything humanly possible to make me happy. He is my real first boyfriend and I am 17 and he is 20. Recently ive felt bored with him and not really sure if hes the one for me although I still love him to death. He is quite clingy and i have tried to tell him in the past that we need to take some time away from each other for awhile but he always guilt trips me back. im not really sure if i should leave him or not and if i do not really sure how to break up with him nicely please help

Where to buy [freshwater] tropical fish? Have a very big variety of fish to choose from also very cheap and shipping isnt that pricey as usual when shipping fish

Orbital fat loss causes?

Maybe you are allergic to something? Have you tried changing your environment for a few days to see if anything changes?

Possible to eliminate prejudices and stereotypes?

Do you think it is humanly possible to completely eliminate prejudices and stereotypes; or is it human nature?

How many years does it take to earn a bachelors degree?

I'm looking at crap for my future career and I REALLY hate school and want to be in it the least amount as humanly possible, so I was wondering how many years it takes to earn a bachelors degree.

Hobbies for teenage girl?

i don't wanna say my age because last time i checked yahoo had this thing where you have to be 18 and i don't want to have to recreate my account but im a young teenager and its summer and im super bored. i want to pick up a hobby that may help me get in shape and i don't drive and my mom is always busy so i cant really get a ride anywhere but i still would like something to do over the summer like a project or something like that, something to keep me busy and not on the computer or tv all day. thanks for Your ideas!

Poll: Would you rather have the power to make people see things that aren't there, or a super mind?

So, would you rather have the power to make people see things that aren't there (and make them not be able to see things that ARE there), or a super mind (smarter far beyond that what is humanly possible)?

Why do Lil wayne and Jay z SWEAR they're the best rappers alive!?

both weezy and jay have lyrical talent, you can't deny that, but NEITHER is the best at what they do! first of all, wayne wants to say he's the best rapper alive probably to make himself feel better, because he is not. he can spit, but his rap voice (or high voice) is retarded, and he always raps about alot of the same stuff- his money and girls. i like his song "6 foot 7 foot" and "drop the world" but personally i think if you wanna call yourself the best you should have more variety, you know, switch it up a bit so you can stay consistent in the game,especially with his "young money" crew. that whole crew is whack except for tyga, drake,nicki minaj cuz even if you dont prefer them they have talent and know how to spit. and Jay Z? Yeah, he's great and all, but he SWEARS he's some type of god and everyone should praise and bow to him because he's a lyrical genius. idk who it is that's gassin up Jay, but he is NO god and def. not the best rapper either! just because he's been in the game for a long time doesn't mean your the best out of all of em. for example, britney spears has been around for a while and had many hits,but that mean she is the best pop singer ever? HELLLLLL NAW. this is a valid opinon, and your opinions are too, but i think Eminem is the best out of them all. alot of ppl sleep on him just cause he's white, and that's not fair to him. i would say Nas too but im just a teen and nas if before my time so i dont really get into him. no rude comments on my opinions, kay? just make your own, i wanna hear em!

My fiance is starving himself, and he's getting sick and really scaring me... What do I do?!?

Sometimes you need to be straight forward with someone not to hurt them but be honest don't make it obvious but don't sit in the corner and let him push himself around tell him what his sister told you tell him you love him for him not how he appears and ask what push's himself to tell him he is overweight or doesn't look good and what not . Get him to open up he sounds alone he kinda acts like he wants to be alone but he doesn't exactly know how to ask to talk so talk to him get him to open up get him happy make him feel good about himself make sure eats

How can I get a Virgo woman to be attracted to me?

u seem like a really good guy who is looking for a serious relationship. well, let her know about how u feel about her and u think she is a great person and a potential partner for you. she can't guess by ur signs. be brave and ask her on an official date this time and show ur caring and kind side. don't talk about blackberries and stuff again. LOL. like u can start a conversation by telling her ur secret or something fun that shows who u really are. try to attract her to urself as well. don't procnasinate it by texing her and stuff. say everything face to face asap. wish you luck!

What site to buy hair feathers in bulk?

ok so ive been doing people's hair feathers and i ran out. i like the single extension ones, and i really like having a wide variety to choose from, as in colors, lengths etc. and i need to buy some in bulk. whats a good place to order them that wont cost me a fortune?

Is a 950 fps air rifle powerful enough to hunt squirrel or any other small animals?

.177 caliper and pointed hallow pellets. Will this be enough to humanly kill as quickly as possible?

What healthy food stores are less than an hour away from Valdosta, Ga.?

My girlfriend is a vegan and she can not find any foods here. She can get some foods from publix, and walmart but their isn't enough variety for her.

My fiance is starving himself, and I'm really scared for him... How should I talk to him about it?

Wow, this is a tough situation. My advice would be to tell him all the things you mentioned about how much you love him, you can't live without him etc etc. Tell him sincerely and tell him often. My guess is he is going to have a really hard time believing you but don't give up. Tell him how worried you are about him and do your best to convince him to seek professional help.

Suggestions for next years sunflowers?

this year my mom really wanted me to plant sunflowers along the fence between the neighbors yard and ours. the variety she chose however is Russian mammoth... going by the seed packet this variety will be 8-12ft approx 2-6 feet taller then the 6ft privacy fence sooo yeah in hopes of keeping the peace between houses i'm looking for a smaller variety possibly 5-8 feet, edible seeds, any suggestions? also i read that you can place climbing plants on sunflowers to add a touch of color is this true? if so what are some good plants for that?

Best half pad? What do you think?

What I like about the ThinLine pads (Not sure if Mattes does the same thing) is that you can adjust if you need to raise the front or the back. I really like my ThinLine pad, I suggest that. Just make sure you get some of the fillers for it!

Does Blue rug juniper adapt to shade?

We noticed some juniper growing between two trees, not sure if it was the blue rug or not, but we figured the different varieties require the same care. We bought some blue rugs and two of them will be next to trees and i am wondering if they adapt to a little shade or did we make a mistake in putting them there? I think they may get a few hours sun a day and lots in winter.

Does anyone know what the flavour "Joppie" from Holland actually is?

We had some crisps/chips bought back from Holland in that flavour and they are lovely.. trouble is we can't get them here in England and have no idea how to recreate that flavour.. any idea what it is?

Is it physically possible for the military....? take down Osama and within such a short time bring him to the sea and bury him swiftly? I just don't see how that is humanly possible.

Why do I suck now (20 characters)?

I used to be good at sculpture. I made a few fairly intricate sculptures when I was much younger. I never had any training or anything - just came naturally. Recently one of my sculptures broke, and I figured I would try to recreate it. Man, was I in for a surprise. My new creation looked like - well it looked like a lump of clay. Hehe.. not exactly the masterpiece I had in mind. So why do I suck now? Granted I haven't been practicing, but I never did practice before I made the original one either.

How can i feel strong again?

i used to be really strong for my size and weight i hurt my arm and just did cardio for the 2 weeks now i feel week as humanly possible and some of my muscle mass in my arms turned to fat what should i do ps... this sucks if you have ever felt it you know

What happened to my favorites list ?

after changing the homepage, my favorites list disappeared, where is it and how do I reinstall, recreate ??? Do not like it when YOU decide to make these annoying changes.

Where can I find plans to build an all wood brewhouse?

So specifically, I am interested in recreating a historic example of an all wood brewery. A modern all wood brewery would also suite me. I want to make, at least a mash tun, kettle, and fermenter. thanks

On fractional distillation of crude oil how much quantities of different products are obtained per unit ?

How much quantities of Gasoline, Kerosene, Diesel, Engine Oil etc is produced at different stages of continuous distillation from unit quantity of Crude oil (from both Sweet & Sour variety) in Indian Refineries?

Looking for author who wrote:?

man thirsts more for glory than virtue. Armor for an enemy, a torn helmet, a flag ripped from a conquered ship, these treasures were valued beyond all humanly riches. To obtain these tokens of glory, generals, be they roman, Greek, or barbarian would brave thousands of perils and endure a thousand exertions...


The subject of childhood obesity is a good one. However, your presentation needs work. For example "Numerous children are victims of variety of health problems inflicted by the insufficiency of good nutrition and physical activity" then later "Not only do they have an inadequate nutritious diet, they also are lacking physical activity in their lives..." You are repeating yourself unnecessarily.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

What is a good idea for an appropriation for Salvador Dali's painting the Persistence of Time?:P make it weird?

For my art assignment we must recreate one of Salvador's famous paintings in an abstract type way. Like for example to choose one aspect and swap it into something else or make the setting in a different place perhaps or just make it weird and different. :) please help me

[Korean Variety Show] 2 days 1 night subs download?

I am looking for the subbing team for 2D1N. I want to download the subtitles, more specifically, the soft subs in (.srt) format. Please give me the website:) thanks!

Do you guys think this would sound bad ***?

Okay so im learning the bass guitar an me an my friends want to start a band when we all get good enough on our instruments. I will be playing the bass, Bobby on drums, Steven on guitar but i also though it would be cool to have a violinist. Our genre would be heavy metal ( like metallica, etc) shock rock ( like alice cooper) punk rock, alot of different genres that we like. Sort of like hed pe. Do you guys think it would be cool if a band were to do the instrumentals of classical songs with rock instruments like the bass,guitar,drums? During these songs our violinist would be leading. an example of a song we want to do is the devils trill. And when we would be using the violin in other songs it would have a very twisted,sad, an sadistic tone in the backround. We are writing a variety of songs . I am writing one right now calle the liberation of underland. alot of our songs will be like twisted tales from wonderland an worlds like it. sorta like the tim burton one. But with a variety from every kind of music. What do you guys think (by the way i dont care if you think that it would suck me an my friends think it would be bad *** an still try

Since yesterday, I am unable to receive any Yahoo emails on my EVO mobile Phone.?

I have an HTC Hero and same problem. can send out email but no receipt. I downloaded the Yahoo Mail App from the Android Market and that works...just drains the battery .

College Video Tours Online?

I'm looking for websites that offer online tours of a wide variety of colleges. The site that im using now is it offers a video tour of part of the campus, describes location and surrounding areas, cost, student life, dorms, student to teacher ratio, and some cool things about the schools. However, it doesnt offer tours for some of the schools im looking at, and im wondering WHAT ARE OTHER WEBSITES THAT OFFER SIMILAR THINGS LIKE THIS? Preferably ones with videos. Thanks!

Does giving a Scorpio woman the silent treatment really work?

I have a scorpio friend who is going through a silent period (sorta recreating herself) and doesn't what to talk or socialize much lately, she is a LOT more secretive than normal. I miss her a lot because she was always so much fun to be around but has recently gone through some emotional and financial trauma. Should I just wait for her to reach out to me or should I periodically let her know that I miss my friend and express my concern,.... or should I just ignore her withdrawal and pretend as though nothing has changed? What should you do when a Scorpio going through a Death / Rebirth cycle? Her birthday is October 23, 1964. So far I been just keeping a respectful distance and reach out every week or so. I sent flowers last week that she really seem to like but she has withdrawn again....I know I'm being impatience, but I really do miss her...

Curried Chicken Wings - RECIPE?

Years ago I lost a recipe I had cut out of a women's magazine (Family Circle or Women's Day) It was oven baked "Curried Chicken Wings"...and they were sweet. All I can remember is that I simmered a delicious sauce (stove top) first then poured it allllll over the wings. They baked for awhile and the sauce baked down to a gooey sweet curried glaze on the wings. It sounds bad...but it was d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s! The glaze was cornstarch based, with honey, soy sauce and curry. I've tried to recreate these multiple times but have never hit it "right on". I'm obviously missing a few key ingredients. I have searched myself BLUE in the face (internet etc) and have never found it. Does anyone have a recipe like this? Thanks in advance.

Would this pregnancy be humanly possible?

Firstly this is an entirely made up situation. I've been reading about this condition where the babies are born with 3 chroma zones (x-x-y) and partially have one set of reproductive organs and a full set of the other. Assume a person that was born a guy wanted to be made a girl and was born with a womb, could you implant a foetus made from their sperm and a woman's egg into that womb? Would that be medically and biologically possible?

My fiance is starving himself, and getting sick; it's really scaring me... What do I do?!?

You should just bring up to him that you have noticed he has not been eating that much and that it is worrying you. Don't tell him that his sister told you any of that stuff in confidence.Just tell him you think he is wonderful and looks perfect just the way he is. Tell him that it is scaring you that he is trying so hard to change his physical appearance and that you support his decision about trying to get into better shape, but you want him to do it in a more healthy way. I hope you figure out how to talk to him, and I hope the talk goes well.

How to make a quote wall mural?

So I want to recreate something that's like the Pottery Barn Teen wall mural but its expensive. Any ideas on how to recreate that with my own quotes but on the same backboard with all the different colored magazine clippings?

Shift slowly or fast when shifting from park to drive in auto transmission car?

When you have an automatic transmission car is it better for the transmission to shift slowly from park into drive or is it better to shift straight to it super fast because my dad always taught me to wait like half a second before shifting one more down so it has time to "catch up and think" but in a lot of car reviews i see on youtube they pull that crap as fast as humanly possible into one way better than the other?

How did Moses go to every country and collected one of every animal?

is this even humanly possible since the fastest mode of transportation was a horse back then.... and would the Norse people and Aztecs kill him on site

Good timeframe for seeing a doctor about potential skin cancer?

I worked for a dermatologist for 5 years and saw many different types of skin cancer. Warning signs are a sore that will not heal, redness, getting larger and even a mole that has changes size shape or color. Your friend should see a dermatologist asap because some skin cancer is more agressive then others. BCC basal cell carcinoma is a slow growing skin cancer, some people have it for years and it is not that agressive, but still needs treatment or it can turn into a SCC which is a squamous cell carcinoma. This is a tissue damaging cancer and if left un treated for long amounts of time could result in very extensive deep tissue surgery for removal, or even a surgery called MOHS which is a micrographic surgery for skin cancers that are very large and require stage removal. IF it is a mole that has change beware of Malignant Melanoma which is potentially deady if not treated in a timely manor. Your friend needs to see a doctor and have a biopsy done, they will send it in for testing and call her with the actual lab results. Hope this helps.

Why do People think that Dragonforce sucks, they are talented?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Funny but sweet thins to write in a yearbook?

Im graduating to high skool nd might not c any of my old friends tht ive known for 5 years again so uiwanna write something sweet but some also funny can anyone please give me a variety of answers plzzz !!?? thx :)

Want to know what sympathy is? read on...............?

it is beautiful...thank you for sharing it. i think there is a lot that is being said in it, at least to me.

What are the matte lipsticks available in the market?

ulta beauty have nyx matte cream lip gloss their tiny but their really every cheap. here is the site. and mac make up have matte lipstick that are really nice on the lips as the drug store can make your lips dry and crack more so i would go to mac their lipsticks are 15$


im confused already love doesnt have to be this confusing when your meant to fall in love it will just happe its not like math you dont have to solve eqations love will find you

Do you think a utopian society is humanly possible?

This is just for my own personal insight. I have my opinion and I've heard a few of my friends talk about it, but I'd like to know what people on Y!A think.

Nazi Zombies - Perk A Cola's?

u could use 1 to be a strengh like u would change wepons faster jump higer.. or like 1 that u can go invisable for like 2 sec and go through a wall to espace zombies but make it expensive and only use once.

What game would you recreate, if you had the option to choose any game that was ever made?

I would want to remake Assassins Creed Brotherhood. I would keep it very similar to the way it is now as far as the single player game play goes... but I would remake the online multiplayer to be way more action-packed and have several different game modes including 1v1, 2v2 and so on duels(obviously needing to alter the style of fighting a bit for this) as well as modify the current ones like Wanted to make more sense and be less luck-based.

Having infrequent bowel movements?

Ok so i have a variety of bowel movements. Sometimes they are pellets, sometimes in large clumps, sometimes large, whole pieces, and almost never, thin and in small amounts(not pencil thin). I also feel bloated sometimes and with a lot of gas. I dont really drink that much water a day (even though i think that might help). What can i do to help myself?

Insanity and quantum mechanics?

Albert Einstein defines insanity as recreating the same conditions multiple times and expecting a different result after observing the outcome of the previous. However, I have heard that quantum events often act in ways that do not correspond to their initial conditions and thus function outside of the cause-and-effect system. Are such conclusions regarding the observation of quantum events true? If so, would insanity be the only rational outlook?

Tell me some skateparks,10 points best answer!?

I want to know the name of some indoor skateparks,spots,labs,factorys,to recreate them in skate 3,optional with some pictures,i really want them,but except Berrics,Tampa and Fantasy Factory.

Will this be breaking a copyright?

an artwork that i love is copyrighted. i want to use (recreate)the artists artwork and recreate it into a quilt. not copying and pasting it to the quilt, but using my own fabric and copying the design they used in the art. example: lets say mona lisa portrait is copyrighted (i dont know if it is), and i want to make a quilt look exactly like her using only colored fabric and thread. will this be breaking a copyright law? how bout if i credit the artist?

Luna Lovegood costume ideas?

I'm not sure about the jacket but I know the shoes are converse shoes. You can buy her glasses from the Warner Brothers shop online, the link is, a href=",default,pd.html?cgid=." rel="nofollow"…/a I hope that helps!

How can I recreate a space with the same atmosphere as mars?

I have to do a science project for school and I am currently in the deciding-what-to-do stage. You see, I want to do my project on whether it is possible to live on mars. And I wanted to make a space with the same atmosphere as mars. I think I know roughly how to create an oxygen free space (by burning a candle in an airtight container until it snuffs out, taking all the oxygen in the container with it) but i then want to test the growing of tress in this environment. So any ideas on how I can do this? I know this idea has many flaws in it so any advice on how to create a space with the atmosphere of Mars would be great :)


Definitely go to a hairdresser! Prom is all about feeling absolutely gorgeous and you deserve to spend the extra money to feel that way. It only comes once in a lifetime! Pamper yourself :) have fun! xoxo

Why is my libido through the roof?

OK, so I love sex. As much as humanly possible while still on the sane side. I do not sleep around, I do not do crazy things... That being said, I HAVE slept with people for the simple fact that I was just too turned on, regardless of the fact that I didn't really want to have sex with that person. Once I get turned on, it's like I have no control over my actions, it's extremely hard to say no when every other part of my body is saying YES. Know what I mean? Well, I am now in a steady and stable relationship, and I do not, have not and will not ever go outside of our relationship for satisfaction. And my poor boy friend, he tries his hardest to keep up, and he does an amazing job, but it's like I am never fully satisfied. I have no stopping point, I just keep cuming and cuming. (Sorry, I am not trying to get too personal, I just really want to get my point across so I can get some helpful advice.) The main thing I am concerned about right now, is how it effects me when I don't get it... My man will want to just cuddle and kiss and love on me, without actually having sex. I want to be able to do that so bad, but if we do, I will get too aroused and will become quite unhappy if it just stops at kissing, if you know what I mean. And I don't get angry at my bf, just angry in general, since it's like taking candy from a very happy baby, and it just sucks. Not to mention my body is just humming from head to toe and there's nothing I can do to stop it, because even when I "take care" of myself, it's not enough... Also, I tend to do that A LOT. There are some days when I'll do it 5-10 times, and I don't just get off once each time... I do this an insane amount, and I am really starting to wonder whats going on with my body... It affects my live, but not to the point of being a nympho. I just want to know if any one else is like this, and how they deal with it? Is there a way to lower my sex drive, but not completely take it away? I mean, I really enjoy this, I really hate to lose it or change it, but its effecting my relationship, and that's really important to me. Help!

What type of soup is this?

Sounds very much like minestrone,if you liked it enough to want to make it yourself,then i am sure it is minestrone soup.A satisfying meal in itself.No set recipe ,except the tomato base,beans,parsley & any pasta,are usually added,the rest is up to you.Taste,liking & availability dictate what else goes in,however i think available ingredients come first.Google minestrone for suggestions.

Blue screen in windows?

my OS (windows xp) automatically runs a blue screen when i open my laptop (notebooK) can someone please help me.. i dont know what to do.. the windows after opening always says "serious error occur" can someone know a solution where as i dont have to reformat or reboot my laptop? because it will take my time to re-install everything and recreate every shortcuts and fix the desktop for it to be convenient and easy(friendly) for me to use not to mention the application already installed that ive been using in my work so no no to reformat.. if you can help that will be a big THANKS for me... thank you.. oh another question, what if the dvd/cd dont close? as in it just close when it shuts down... it automatically opens when the windows open and dont close even when i try... suggestion? THANK you... i appreciate it..

I'm really convinced that crop circles aren't a hoax...anyone disagree?

It just seems that every documentary suggests it's not humanly possible to do these extravagant designs in such a small amount of time.

Not trollin, but honestly is it illegal to fake a medical clearance form?

It's so stupid. I lightly injured my toe and had to lay off cheer and PE for a while. Now it's the end of the year, and I missed my PE final which is worth 10% of my grade, and my cheer coach won't let me practice until I get a medical clearance note. Which by the way takes ages to set up an appointment for (minimum of 2 weeks) and school ends in 4 days, while cheer camp is in 9 days, and mandatory cheer practices to learn the dance in-I'm invalid for. Please help. The form is so simple to recreate, an elementary kid can do it. Is it illegal? Should I just do it? Or should I go to urgent care to get it signed even though I'm not hurt? I feel like that's taking away from other injured people who really need the help.

Friday, August 5, 2011

If identical twins were raised identically would they act the same?

If identical twins were separated from birth and grown in identical rooms and say the same food and water were given at the same times (I'm not saying this is humanly possible just theoretically) would they grow to be the exact same person in every aspect - personality, thoughts, even movements?

Could I really work 16 hours a day?

So I have a lot of homework to do and I was wondering, out of a day could I do 16 hours of work a day. That would give me another 8 hours to sleep. Is that humanly possible. I am home schooled and the work is now getting to be that long because I am taking extra courses!

My baby is 7 months old.he weighs around 6.2kg.he is underweight .but he is very active for his age.he still?

Spits sometimes.his schedule is like this:6am breastfeed ,wakeup 7am,bf around 8 am.nap around 9-10 and solids like fruits,play bf and nap around 12-1 pm.wake have lunch ,play nap for 2 hrs.wake up around 5 pm bf and play ,bf and nap around 7 pm.wake up at 8pm have dinner at and sleep at 10 2-3 times in the night.I am confused when I should bf and when I shd give him solids and how much can a7 month old eat .he start his. Solids at 4 months.he needs to gain weight also I have tried giving him him variety of food but he is not gaining much weight .I am worried.can some one help me out with the feeding schedule for my baby.when shd I bf and when shd I give him solids .

Christian girls: what do you think of me as a person?

you just described most girl's "perfect" guy so you're either leaving something out or it's just not in God's plans for you to be with someone right now and that's not something to become discouraged about but to be proud of that God loves us all so much and that he has a plan for us all. oh and try not to generate the fact that you lonely, that can come off as desperate and then a girl might think you'll be clingy

Diet changes making me gain?

I have recently been told i am Gluten Intolerant, while it sucks that i will have so many restriction's i was also happy to know that i would be able to shed those stubborn 10-15 pounds ive been trying to get rid of this year. I'm about a week into my new diet and ive gone from eating nothing but pizza, white bread, kraft dinner, and a wide variety of junk, to yogurt, fresh fruits and veggies, and lean cuts of meat. my portion sizes have also been slightly reduced, not that portion control was ever an issue... anyways. instead of losing about 3 pounds in the week with my new diet and the walking ive been doing to the grocery store for fresh produce... i have instead managed to gain 10 pounds!! A friend of mine say's that the sudden 360' i did with my diet likely put my system into a kind of shock and i will gain for another two weeks before i start losing weight. I guess my question is... is this possible, has it happened to anyone else? Im also open to suggestions! Thanks :)

Miss A english subtitle?

Do you guys know where and what variety, radio, or interviews I can find of miss A with eng subs. I've already watched oh my school. So yea thanks in advance :)

Where do you find the perfect girl?

I've been wondering that to myself for some time now. I don't think I've yet to have found a woman who honestly understands me. Which is hard I guess. I'm 18 years old ,I attend Georgetown University, I love a large variety of music especially work of Radiohead, Marvin Gaye, The Beatles etc. That seems to not have anything in common with any female I've ever met. Also just in general caring about me and doing sweet stuff for me for a change every now & then. I hate that I can't find that and I feel lonely because of it. That's probably why I ask so many what should I do questions about girls cause a lot of my Ex's I had a gut feelings weren't gonna work out. Any suggestions how to go about this :)

What to do with things that are haram?

all i can answer about is the rope's not haram what so ever. they're just lights. actually we use those things to decorate out front door during Ramadan. or you can make the rope into a crescent shape we do that too. it's pretty. as for the Casio i say donate it or sell it and donate the money. but don't take my word on that 100% that's just my opinion.

How does a casino acquire a new game to the gambling world?

Who is in charge of deciding a new game to the casinos variety? Is there a way to get new gambling games considered or accepted by a casino by introducing it somehow to them?

What are some good songs to play at a BBQ?

We are having a BBQ and the age range of people there will be between 20 and 60. What are some songs that everryone will like? Im lookin for a good variety of music mainly classic or newer rock songs.

Is it humanly possible to gain 13lbs in a week by just eating a "regular" diet?

I already know that 3500 calories equals 1lb. I've not eaten 45500 calories, which would be 13lbs times 3500. Perhaps there is some medical reason.

What was the name of the toy that came out a few years ago?

The toy had a tube-type thing in the middle and a button on either side. Inside of the water was a sort of water pet that you were able to communicate with by pressing the buttons. The "water pets" were also advertised to be able to communicate with other "water pets". They came in a variety of colors and pet types and were released in just about every popular toy you have any idea?

Finding similar books by author, genre and subject?

Some time ago I stumbled up on a web site that had a novel and fantastic method of recommending book sand authors. You simply typed in a list of authors you had previously enjoyed, and the site constructed a spider-chart of similar authors. The closest matches were near the center, with close, but less similar authors being placed further from the center. I sure wish I could find that web site again... A variety of google searched didn't turn up the site I was looking for. Thanks for the assist, folks.

HELP on creativity of a sculpture of nike?

I'm confused. Is this sculpture or papier mache or what? What are the requirements of this assignment? For ideas on Nike Athene, try this: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What game would you recreate, if you had the option to choose any game that was ever made?

I would want to remake Assassins Creed Brotherhood. I would keep it very similar to the way it is now as far as the single player game play goes... but I would remake the online multiplayer to be way more action-packed and have several different game modes including 1v1, 2v2 and so on duels(obviously needing to alter the style of fighting a bit for this) as well as modify the current ones like Wanted to make more sense and be less luck-based.

Is this a good resume ? How can I make it better?

Looks good. To stregthen you resume, I would add information about volunteer work you have done, and ways you have helped your community. Also, mention high school sports, clubs, or any other activities that you take part in outside of school. Depending of what this is for, you should include GPA and other information that gives them an academic perspective of you. Overall, the layout is organized and well structured.

Has anybody else ever thought of keeping the earth going this way?

Well, you know how we live off of fossil fuels and stuff like that. why cant we recreate our own. i know that oil comes from when the dinosaurs and things decomposed and it created a pocket which is filled with oil and gas so what if instead of using dinosaurs this time around we use humans (dead humans of course) maybe this is how we are supposed to keep the world going.

What is the name of a movie based on magicians?

In the movie a machine is constructed that recreates copies of whatever is in started with hats. The machine is then incoporated into an act where the magician replicates himself at the back ofthe theater, but the self that was copied lands in a vat of water and dies...this happens over and over. Please I cannot remember the name of this movie.

How likely is it that I will get full/most custody?

The father lives an hour away from me. He goes to university ten minutes away, and is living in a dorm on campus next year when the baby is here. I am breastfeeding as much as humanly possible. I want as much, to full, custody as I can get. He has no emotions towards the child and expects his parents to do everything (he is going to be 20, pathetic). I do not trust him with my child. He refuses to work with me for the good of the baby.

Anyone got any cool pics I could recreate?

I want to work on my photography skills/make up skills. Anyone got any really cool pics I could recreate? Model shots preferred...not just yours but others as well.

I need to find a movie?

Are they traveling in a cab looking for a house with a woman who collects things and her front yard has sunflowers. He collects things. Then it's called Everything Is Illuminated (2005) with elijah wood. Everything Is Illuminated (2005)

I hate black ops and do you agree?

hello im not gonna le im not great at black ops but i really dont like the game and can not get over the disipointment. i really dont get it because they had it in the bagg. aswell as the campaingn being crap you have to fight off british sas while playing as vodka drunk soviets. when as mw2 you fight as british. aswell the onlineis dull i miss nukes its the cold war for gods sake why is their no 25 kill nuke its silly and the killstreaks are as unfair as humanly possible their is not one way to escape the chopper gunner or desroy it with the crappy rpgs. and the explosives you get a flak jaket now make t bigger you chose lightwieght and dont get blown up and i get flak jaket and walk 3mph and get killedby a dude ats walked thorw my claymore. so do you agree or not. and this is my opinon dont say just cause you suck. anyway mw3 preordred

The 90's or the 00's?.Which of these was a better decade for you?

The 90s and early 00s were the best for me. That was when I was a kid and everything was so carefree and easy and fun.

Ok, since men do desire women more than the reverse, wouldn't it make sense for men to. . . ?

. . . quit making stupid, self destructive decisions like marriage? Live a fun single life until the day he dies, doing whatever he want's, having sex with a variety of beautiful women. Nobody there telling him what to do. Instead of wasting his precious life loving someone who doesn't feel the same?

How to have a period?

I want to know how a crossdressing/transgender male could simulate having a period. I dont want to sound insensitive to those that have periods and have issues associated with them, but because I am transgender I have a lot of period envy and want to simulate physically/emotionally/mentally having a period and everything that entails(tampons,pads?). Please be as detailed as humanly possible and if you could create like a list or step-by-step instructions I would be HIGHLY appreciative. And once again, this isnt meant to be offensive so dont view it as such. Thanx!

New Goldfish? Help?!?

So a few days ago, i won a goldfish at a fair and i had it in a bowl (TEMPORARILY) and now i put him in a one gallon tank, with under gravel filtration and an air pump and air stone. I would say he has a pretty damn good set up. Im just wondering if everything is good, if he grows i will eventually upgrade him of course. Also, Im currently feeding him baby shrimp is that okay? Or more variety?

Are there nutritional differences between different types of popcorn?

So I have discovered that there are actually several different types of popcorn. Not like different brands and varieties of microwave popcorn. Like legitimately different types. Yellow, white, red, blue, ladyfinger, mushroom are the ones I've come across. Are these all the same nutritionally? Typically I am inclined to believe that popcorn is popcorn. However, when looking around, it seems that yellow has 105 kcal per 28g, while all of the others are 110 kcal per 39g. Does anyone know if this is just a mistake? Why would yellow popcorn be more calorie dense? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

Can someone please read my poem?

I appreciate ur poem.u can better write poems on positive things of life.ur poem need not be so brief and catchy.

What does it mean when a guys cousin calls you his suga pie?

ok so i like this guy right...and we went to a movie with some of his friends....after the movie we were hanging out and taking pictures and in the one i took with the guy i like (lets call him brad) well brad had his arm around me and i had my arm around him...but we wee recreating a statue that was in the picture....well the picture is now on facebook right and two of brads famil member commented on it (i think theyre his family at least) and on just said how cute and cool and fun it looked.....but the other person put "awe my little cuzzin and his little suga pie.u 2 look like ur having a blast.NICE!" word for word.....what does that mean...cuz im a bit confused....o and ps brad likes me back....

How To Become Good At Soccer FAST??? HELP!!?

First of all you are not born with talent you work as hard as you can to be the best you can be, and im also sorry that it is almost impossible to get really good in such short time, becoming great at soccer takes hard work, practice, and dedication, you can start training and conditioning now but you wont become great out of no where

Is it possible to have a marriage without ever having one spat or fight or disagreement?

Is it possible to have a relationship without ever feeling anger toward a partner? I know someone who claims to have experienced this in his marriage, and it doesn't seem humanly possible. To me, it seems in any relationship as close as a marriage relationship is, there will be conflict of some sort --- it seems unnatural not to ever disagree with a spouse. Do you have any thoughts about this? I am very curious!